O Log - Fair Hill


    Here is the Fair Hill Apr 06, M21 map, and the armchair gadget/my routes version.

    Good race. Clem challenged me to be 7 min/k. Was 7.0177. But, lost 30 seconds waiting for a horse to cross a bridge; redoing the math we get 6.968. Boomed #17 for 20 sec, a little off on #13 and #14, but no substantial time lost. Spiked everything else, tho dropped into the swamp a little sooner than planned on #9.

    I think that patch of woods leading into #13 is one of the most beautiful in the mid-Atlantic region. I also think there is something funky going on in there, either with extra knolls, ditches, or old roads. Noticed the same thing at the A meet, and feel shaky going in there, even tho the ditch handrail seems obvious on the map.

    In other news, Spike offered some commentary about his armchair route choices for the Fair Hill sprint from last November in his March 27th entry, using my map and routes. For training, I decided to rerun my routes against my best guess of his on legs 3, 6, and 8). I was tired after today's race, so it probably wasn't a full sprint effort. I ran Spike's route in each case first. I obviously didn't need to look at the map, and there are probably tons of biases, but, just for fun, here are the results (my route in red, my run of my best guess of Spike's proposed route in blue (and a mistaken drawing of a route in blue to 7 which is not part of the experiment).

    Runleg 3leg 6leg 8
    randy Apr 061:160:560:34
    Spike Armchair1:061:010:31
    randy Nov 051:201:050:43
